Effective Roof Ventilation Can Save You Money - L&L Contractors

Effective Roof Ventilation Can Save You Money


Effective Roof Ventilation Save Your Money

Wouldn’t it be great to know that a small change to your home’s roof ventilation system could save you money not only this year but every year that you own your home? This may sound too easy, but it’s true and we’re going to break down how this works.

Adequate roof ventilation allows heat to dissipate more effectively in the summer and moisture to evaporate in the winter, which is how your roof ventilation system works to make your heating and cooling systems more efficient all year long.

Stay Cool in the Summer

Summertime brings hot air and often a great deal of humidity, which can wreak havoc on the cost of keeping your home at a comfortable temperature. This massive buildup of heat can cause all sorts of damage to your roof by causing the shingles and wood to warp. It’s not good for your attic and living space either — it will cause air conditioners and other cooling appliances such as your refrigerator to overwork themselves. Fortunately, a home roofing ventilation system allows for an effective flow of air throughout the summer. It pulls cooler air from under the eaves in through the attic and uses it to push out the hot air through the roof vents.

roofing ventilation system

Even Distribution of Snow in the Winter

Even in Tennessee’s relatively mild climate, you’ve likely seen the damage that snow and ice can do to homes on a first-hand basis. The weight of snow and ice on your home’s roof can cause a great deal of damage and the thought of having a huge sheet of ice slide off your home is terrifying. If your home has adequately ventilated roofing, then you’re much less likely to have snow pack down to become ice on your roof. The warm, moist air rising through your home will vent right out instead of gathering under the eaves and causing hot spots on your roof.

Full Ventilation Systems

Intake vents and exhaust vents work together to form your full roof ventilation system, and they each have a specific job to do. When you’re pulling hot air up and out of the roof of your home, you need to encourage that movement of air and replace it with cooler air. The two parts of the system work together to replace the warm, moist air as it exits through the roof vents. When both of these systems are working well together, you’ll be saving money every month throughout the year on your gas and electric bills, something that is always appreciated with the rising cost of energy!

Want more information on Roof Ventilation? Contact Us!

If you’re seeing mold in your home or your attic is excessively warm, you may have inadequate ventilation throughout your roof. Contact L&L Contractors today so we can review your current roof ventilation system and make any recommendations that will save you money both now and in the future. Plus, it will extend the life of your home significantly by protecting your roof and attic from extreme weather conditions.

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