Project Spotlight: Vinyl Siding Replacement - L&L Contractors

Project Spotlight: Vinyl Siding Replacement



Recently, one client contacted us requesting to get a quote for her vinyl siding replacement project. Like many other homeowners, she felt that her vinyl siding was too old and needed to be refreshed. However, she didn’t know about all the options available to her; fortunately for her, that’s where we excel!

We met with the client and presented samples of insulated vinyl, vinyl and fiber cement siding. We explored the pros and cons of each product and discussed her home improvement goals. After some time and thought, she chose Hardie ColorPlus8.25” HARDIEPLANK lap siding as her preferred siding material.

With the right siding material selected, we discussed other exterior design issues. The gutters, soffit, and fascia also needed to be replaced. We included these areas in our project to give the home a fresh & stunning curb appeal. We also needed to choose colors. James Hardie provides a vast collection of ColourPlus products. These are fifteen different hues that are popular in our region. These pre-finished hues come with a 15-year warranty on the finish, a 30-year guarantee on lap siding and 15-year warranty on trim boards. The client selected a Gray Slate lap siding with Arctic White trim boards.

With colors and products selected, we were ready to start the project. We first removed the old vinyl siding, examined the plywood sheathing to ensure that it would provide a suitable substrate for James Hardie Installation. We later installed the James Hardie Select Cedar mill Hardieplank lap siding, trim and the house wrap. We installed the trim boards using James Hardie’s hidden tabs to minimize face nailing to give a clean appearance.

We replaced the old vinyl siding with a new T-4 vinyl soffit to achieve a beautiful crisp look. We removed the aluminum fascia wrap and fabricated a new one on the site. Mastic home exterior contains an aluminum coil whose color matches the James Hardie ColorPlus paints; this allowed us to blend the new fascia to the Arctic White trim boards. Finally, we installed 6’’ K-style gutters using hidden hangers to finish the renovation.

vinyl siding replacement project and after


Our client was delighted— we helped her achieve her renovation goals. Her home doesn’t just look more attractive, it will better withstand the elements. In fact, the home’s exterior looks better than it did when she bought the house decades ago!

Products Used
James Hardie ColorPlusSelect Cedarmill Hardieplank lap siding, Color: Gray Slate
James Hardie 5/4 trim boards, Color: Arctic White
Mastic Performance Metal trim coil, Color Arctic White
Royal Building Products T4 vinyl soffit, Color: White

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