Save Energy and Stay Cool at Home This Summer

Save Energy and Stay Cool at Home This Summer


Save Energy at Home in Summer

It’s already turning into a hot summer in middle Tennessee, but how are you going to keep cool in your home? There are a variety of ways that you can remodel to save energy, even under the hot Southern sun. From small upgrades that make a big difference to keeping your cooling costs under control, these tips will make your summer much more bearable!

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

Smart thermostats are intelligent on a number of levels. Not only will they help you keep your heating and cooling bills under control, but several states offer a discount or rebate based on adding one to your home. Wouldn’t it be great if you could dial down the temperature in your home right from your smartphone as soon as you leave the office or school? Many programmable thermostats allow you to do just that, so you’re not wasting energy and money heating or cooling an empty home.

Upgrade to Energy Saving Windows and Doors

While you may have heard that upgrading to energy-efficient doors and windows won’t save you a great deal of money, that is definitely a myth. This is especially true if you’re still using drafty single-pane windows, as ENERGY STAR® rated windows can save significant amounts of energy over time.

Energy efficient residential lighting

Upgrade Your Roof

Your roof covers your entire home, and all that black or dark-colored space can raise the temperature of your home by six to eight degrees. New technology called a ‘cool roof’ exists to help offset some of the heat that is passed through to your home from your roof. Whether you look for an ENERGY STAR® rated roof or one that has been classified as a ‘cool roof’ by LEED or the U.S. Green Building Council, the solar reflectance of these rooftops will help keep the absorbed heat to a minimum.

Change Your Lighting

Did you know that you can light your home for less money, and not lose any illumination? New energy-efficient light bulbs may cost a little more upfront but will save you big bucks over their lifetime. Check out CFL, LED and halogen incandescent lighting and consider adding timers or dimmer switches to make your home even more efficient.

Go Outside

When you’re outside, your home has fewer energy needs, but how can you stay cool in the yard or porch? A misting system or other water feature is a great way to incorporate cooling technology that is still very energy efficient. A koi pond or other flowing water can be very relaxing to watch, and the same goes for a ceiling fan, which is an excellent way to move stagnant air around on your porch.

Ready to get started on cooling off this summer? Give L&L Contractors a call today at 615-617-3189 or contact us online. We are your one-stop shop for home improvement, remodeling and renovation in the Murfreesboro and greater Nashville area.


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